Since ground defenses such as mortars, cannons, and bomb towers cannot engage air troops, air attacks are extremely efficient against elite Town Hall bases in Clash of Clans. Town Hall 11 is one of the best in the game, with Eagle Artillery and an additional Inferno Tower. Therefore, players must utilize a smart attacking strategy to defeat such bases.
To attack multiplayer and clan war engagements, players can build their own attacking strategy by using Dark Elixir, Elixir, and Super troops. Attacking techniques designed by designers and experienced players can be adopted by players to excel at Town Hall 11.
In this article, we'll discuss the strongest air attack strategy in Clash of Clans, "Electro DragLoon."
A closer look at the Electro DragLoon attack strategy in Clash of Clans
Electro DragLoon is an extremely effective three-star attacking strategy in Clash of Clans, which can be used by Town Hall 11 or higher players. For optimal gameplay, gamers should look for closed bases to use the lightning chain effect of Electro Dragons.
Electro Dragons are the most powerful units in the Clash of Clans since they can inflict chain damage to buildings. One of Town Hall 11's most effective offensive techniques is to combine Electro Dragons with Balloons.
To take advantage of the chain damage, they should be employed on bases with a lot of structures close together. Baby Dragons and Minions can also be used to clear outside structures and buildings.
Against bases with low-level air defenses, the Town Hall 11 Electro DragLoon attack tactic is very effective. This assault method is popular among multiplayer and Clan War combat players since it can net players three stars and a lot of resources in a short period of time. The following is the army composition for Town Hall 11 Electro DragLoon's attack strategy:
- 7 Electro Dragons
- 10 Balloons
- 3 Rage Spells
- 5 Freeze Spells
- Balloons, Rage Spell, and Stone Slammer (Clan castle)
Eagle Artillery will not be activated if players use two-three Electro Dragons beforehand. The lightning chain effect of Electro Dragon will assist in clearing exterior buildings and defenses near the walls. The remaining Electro Dragons and Balloons should be used to empty the base's core. Spells and Stone Slammers should be used in accordance with the attack strategy.
How to use Electro DragLoon attack strategy in Clash of Clans
Depending on the Town Hall level and opponent base, players can alter the army composition and attacking plan. The following is the step-by-step guide for Town Hall 11 Electro DragLoon attack strategy:
Finally, the Electro DragLoon assault strategy in Clash of Clans is one of the finest attack techniques in the game, and it can be employed in both multiplayer and clan war battles.
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